Landscape Dynamics and Settlement Patterns in Northern Anatolia during the Roman and Byzantine Period - 1st - Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag 2015 - Geographica Historica 32 .

Contents7-11Illustrations11-17Introduction17-23The dynamics of landscapes: cities and territories23-135Roman-period finds from the Cide region23-43Settlement and economic intensification in the late Roman / early Byzantine hinterland of Sinop43-61How did the landscape of Pompeiopolis become Roman?61-83Contextualising Neoklaudiopolis: a glimpse at settlement dynamics in the city's hinterland83-101Above as below: The application of multiple survey techniques at a Byzantine church at Avkat101-119The end of late antiquity in Paphlagonia: disurbanisation from a comparative perspective119-135Report135-147Preliminary results of rescue excavations at the Sanctuary of Zeus Stratios near Yassıçal, Amasya province135-147The dynamics of mortuary space: necropoleis, graves and grave monuments147-193Rural necropoleis and settlement dynamics: Thoughts on Roman and Byzantine graves at Oymaağaç Höyük, Samsun province147-165Two coins from Oymaağaç Höyük165-171From funerary doorstones in Pompeiopolis to tracing local identity from the Phrygian Highlands to Inner Paphlagonia171-193Reports193-219Preliminary results of rescue excavations in the Roman and Byzantine necropoleis of Amasya (1977-2014)193-205Results of a rescue excavation in the village of Zafer, near Tekkeköy, Samsun province205-219Results of a rescue excavation in the village of Zafer, near Tekkeköy, Samsun province219-285Honoured, beheaded and buried: A new deposit of statues from Amastris219-239Dynamics of mosaic design in northern Anatolia in the Roman and early Byzantine periods239-285Report285-295Preliminary results of rescue excavations in 2013 at a Roman mosaic-paved building in the village of Yavru, Amasya province285-295The dynamics of circulation: roads, inscriptions, coins295-341Ancient Roads and Bridges of the Vezirköprü District295-307Epigraphy and the provincial organisation of Paphlagonian cities in the Roman Empire307-329The coinage of Neoklaudiopolis and Pompeiopolis against the background of the minting practices of Pontic and Paphlagonian cities during the Roman Imperial period329-341Indices341-353Ancient personal names341-343Modern personal names343-348Places348-353Sources353--1


Cities and Towns--Turkey--Samsun--History
Excavations (Archaeology)--Turkey--Amasya (Amasya Ili)
Landscape Archaeology--Turkey