Urban Network Evolutions: Towards a High-Definition Archaeology

RAJA, Rubina

Urban Network Evolutions: Towards a High-Definition Archaeology - 1st - Aarhus Aarhus University Press 2018

ContentsAcknowledgements by the editors 5INTRODUCTION 11Urban network evolutions: Exploring dynamics andflows through evidence from urban contexts 13Rubina Raja & Søren M. SindbækROME AND ITS CITIES 19A high-definition approach to the Forum of Caesar in Rome:Urban archaeology in a living city 21Jan Kindberg Jacobsen & Rubina RajaBurial and birds in pre-urban Rome 27Nora M. PetersenCaesar's Forum: Excavating Italian Iron Age 35Sine Grove Saxkjær & Gloria Paola MitticaThe Archaic period on the Forum of Caesar:The urbanisation of early Rome 39Nikoline Sauer PetersenA space for Caesar: The heart of Rome and urban development 45Line EgelundCaesars, shepherds and cities 51Trine Arlund HassDoliche and the exploration of Graeco-Romanurbanism in ancient Greater Syria 57Michael BlömerPublic spaces and urban networks in the Roman Empire:Messene in the Peloponnese as an example of an approach 65Christopher DickensonPALMYRA: THE URBAN DESERT 73Urbanizing the desert : Investigating the diversity of urbannetworks through the images of deceased Palmyrenes 75Rubina RajaBehind the scenes: Cataloguing as a tool forexploring urban networks 81Olympia Bobou & Rikke Randeris ThomsenProducing funerary portraits: An urban tradition in the Syrian Desert 87Julia StedingThe urbanization of Palmyra: The dynamics of the family cemeteries 93Signe KragJERASH: FROM ROMAN TO ISLAMIC CITY 99Urban networks and dynamics seen through urban peripheries:The case of Gerasa on the golden river 101Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina RajaMortar and plaster production in Jerash:Changing perspective from macro to micro 109Kristine Damgaard ThomsenSmall change in big cities: Characterising thedevelopment of everyday coinage in Jerash 117Thomas Birch & Vana OrfanouRiver archaeology and urban resilience in Jerash 125Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina RajaUrban networks seen through ceramics: Formal modellingapproaches to pottery distribution in Jerash 131Iza Romanowska, Tom Brughmans, Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina RajaMedieval Jerash: Investigating the pottery of a MiddleIslamic hamlet in the Northwest Quarter 139Alex PetersonTravellers and early urban archaeology in the Levant:The case of Jerash 147Eva MortensenArchaeoseismology in Jerash: Understanding urbandynamics through catastrophic events 153Christian Svejgård Lunde JørgensenRIBE: GATEWAY TO THE VIKING AGE 159Northern Emporium: The archaeology of urbannetworks in Viking-Age Ribe 161Søren M. Sindbæk3D scanning as documentation and analytical tool:First field experiences at the Northern Emporiumexcavation project, Ribe 167Sarah CroixGeoarchaeology and micromorphology at Ribe:A Northern Emporium in high definition 175Barbora WoutersGeoarchaeology of the early northern cities: Microscopic andgeochemical investigations of urban spaces in Denmark 183Pernille Lærke Krantz TrantViking-Age metals and urbanisation: The case of Ribe in Denmark 189Vana Orfanou & Thomas BirchA new calibration curve for improved radiocarbondating of urban contexts 197Bente Philippsen & Mikkel Fristrup SchouMissing links: Viking-Age silver rings and urban networks 203Mahir HrnjicTHE MAKING OF MEDIEVAL URBANITY 209An urban way of life: How to approach the study of networksand practices in medieval Odense, Denmark 211Kirstine HaaseTowards the making of a town: Urbanity as practiceand way of life in medieval Copenhagen 217Hanna DahlströmThe chronology of two medieval cemeteries in central Copenhagen:Bayesian modelling and archaeo logical relative age information 223Jesper Olsen, Bjørn Poulsen & Hanna DahlströmTrade, import and urban development: An archaeobotanicalapproach to economic change in medieval Denmark 229Neeke M. HammersUrbanisation and commercialisation on theperiphery of medieval Europe 235Olav Elias GundersenHigh-definition urban fashion: Proteins reveal preferredresources for medieval leather shoes 241Luise Ørsted BrandtInterdisciplinary methods in town archaeology 249Johan Sandvang LarsenGardening and food security in early southern-Scandinavian urbanism:Existing evidence and the need for a high-definition approach 255Søren M. KristiansenSWAHILI EMPORIA: AFRICAN NETWORK CITIES 261Defining space in house contexts: Chemicalmapping at Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar 263Federica Sulas & Stephanie Wynne-JonesIron production tech nologies and tradenetworks in Swahili East Africa 271Ema Bauzyt?Dating Kilwa Kisiwani: A thousand years of EastAfrican history in an urban stratigraphy 277Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Mark Horton, Jeffrey Fleisher & Jesper OlsenBETWEEN URBAN WORLDS 287Through the looking glass: Glass, high-definition archaeology andurban networks in the 8th century CE from North to South 289Rubina Raja & Søren M. SindbækAbout the authors 297


New approaches in archaeology
Urban Archaeology--Ancient
Urban archaeology--Methodology