Well built Mycenae : the Helleno-British excavations within the citadel at Mycenae 1959-1969 / Fasc. 34.1, Technical reports : the results of neutron activation analysis of Mycenaean pottery / E.B. French and J.E. Tomlinson ; with contributions by S.M.A. Hoffman, V.J. Robinson and R.E. Jones.

Well built Mycenae : the Helleno-British excavations within the citadel at Mycenae 1959-1969 / Fasc. 34.1, Technical reports : the results of neutron activation analysis of Mycenaean pottery / E.B. French and J.E. Tomlinson ; with contributions by S.M.A. Hoffman, V.J. Robinson and R.E. Jones. [edited by] W.D. Taylour, E.B. French, K.A. Wardle. - Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2013. - iv, 61 p. ; 24 cm + DVD-ROM (covering Fascs 1, 7, 10, 13, 16/17, 21, 24, 27, 34.1 and 36) in pocket at rear

CD shelved separetly as AVM

Includes bibliographical references (p. 57-61).

1842175289 9781842175286

Excavations (Archaeology)--Greece--Mycenae (Extinct city)
Pottery, Mycenaean--Greece--Mycenae (Extinct city)
Pottery, Mycenaean--Expertising.
Fouilles (Archeologie)--Greece--Mycenes (Ville ancienne)
Excavations (Archaeology)
Pottery, Mycenaean.
Pottery, Mycenaean--Expertising.

Mycenae (Extinct city)--Antiquities.
Greece--Mycenae (Extinct city)
