Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers: Armies and Their Architecture in Late Antiquity - 1st - Oxford Oxbow Books 2015

List of FiguresList of TablesList of ContributorsAcknowledgementsList of Abbreviations1. Introduction: Rob Collins and Meike Weber2. Making sense of the frontier armies in late antiquity: An historian's perspectiveConor Whately3. Economic reduction or military reorganization? Granary demolition and conversion in later 4th century northern BritanniaRob Collins4. The 4th century and beyond: The Roman barrack at Binchester (Co. Durham)David Petts 5. Fourth-century fortlets in Britain: sophisticated systems or desperate measures?Matthew Symonds6. The late Roman coastal fort of Oudenburg (Belgium): Spatial and functional transformations within the fort wallsSofie Vanhoutte7. The legionary fortress of Vindobona (Vienna, Austria): Change in function and design in the late Roman periodMartin Mosser8. The dwindling legion: Architectural and administrational changes in Novae (Moesia inferior) on the threshold of late antiquityMartin Lemke9. Severan Castra, Tetrarchic Quadriburgia, Justinian Coenobia, and Ghassanid Diyarat: Patterns of Transformation of limes Arabicus Forts during late antiquityIgnacio Arce10. Castra or centenaria? Interpreting the later forts of the North African frontierAlan Rushworth11. In defence of the late empireDavid Breeze


Architecture, Roman
Military architecture Rome
Roman provinces--History, Military