Well built Mycenae : the Helleno-British excavations within the Citadel at Mycenae, 1959-1969 / Fasc. 13, The service areas of the cult centre / E.B. French and W.D. Taylour.

French, E.B. 1931-

Well built Mycenae : the Helleno-British excavations within the Citadel at Mycenae, 1959-1969 / Fasc. 13, The service areas of the cult centre / E.B. French and W.D. Taylour. ed. by W.D. Taylour, E.B. French, K.A. Wardle - Oxford : Oxbow Books, cop. 2007. - vi, 44 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 2 CD-ROMS (supporting data bij fasc. 1, 7, 10 and 13 ; fasc. 21, 24, 27 and 36)

CD shelved separetly as AVM

1842172964 9781842172964

15.33 pre-classical archaeology.
Archeologische vindplaatsen.
Heilige plaatsen.
Myceense cultuur.

